slow down and enjoy the moment…

People often say they don’t understand poetry. A poem is approached as an exercise to decipher what its author really wanted to say. You crack the code and that’s it. Or you don’t and you end up frustrated and declare it nonsense. This is how most people remember reading poetry from school. Read, analyze, dissect and see what’s left.

We started this project because we think that poetry is about so much more. Poetry makes you think and it makes you feel. Above all, it makes you slow down. It momentarily breaks the walls of your everyday reality and invites you to experience the same reality in a different way. It creates moments – those unique moments that make life worth living.

We want to help spread good poems – poem by poem, moment by moment…

“Whether in a formal poem or an informal one, everything depended, and still depends, on the quality of the moment. Whatever kind of poem it is, it’s the moment that gets you in.”

Clive James, Poetry Notebook: 2006–2014