The story behind the poem: On the Eve of Her Birthday by Jessica Martinez

When we received Jessica‘s Moment Poetry submission it was exactly ten days before the 8th birthday of our older son. This coincidence only strengthened our conviction that we have found our poem #11.
Birthdays are a good occasion to take a break from the hectic pace of everyday life – very well known to all parents – and reflect. Jessica describes motherhood as a “journey” and it’s a beautiful way to put it. It enables parents to accept the ups and downs, remember that it’s not a task, not a competition, not something to be seen as a limiting factor on your own personal journey. Instead, it sparks a joyful realization that you are a part of the journey for someone to whom you feel the deepest connection.
Jessica shared a few thoughts regarding her inspiration for this poem:
“I wrote this poem the night before my eldest child turned eight. Birthdays, either my own or those of loved ones, are milestones and always a reason for me to reflect, especially the night before a birthday. I wrote this after putting up birthday decorations for the next day, blowing up balloons and putting the mermaid-themed cake into the fridge – my attempts at pouring visible love into the day. We had indeed been at the beach the day before, and this poem came to me when I thought about what a rocky start I had into motherhood. In that moment, I was not only at peace with everything, but I felt like I was filled with nothing but love for my child and the journey that motherhood has taken me on.”
Enjoy the moment(s) and keep soaring up!